Sharing: Here's a bit of a preview of some of the projects my students and I are working on for School Library Month 2022 - #AASLslm I purchased stickers from Amazon and was able to make buttons for our Anime Club. Saving ink, paper and providing a special gift for a group of readers.
SHARING: This is a presentation I recently gave to the members of the teaching staff at my school. It's merely an overview and provides surface understanding around book challenges that are taking place across the country and the procedures my school district has in place.
Looking forward to meeting with the school librarians of Massachusetts! month, SORA by Overdrive features a librarian and school for their "SORA Spotlight." This month, Jefferson Academy is highlighted. So proud of the work that the teachers at Jefferson and I have done to engage #JAReaders with independent reading.
Access the article here: SORA Spotlight - January ‘Anniversaries’ of painful events are difficult for me and readers of this post. I have a tendency to ignore it, run away from it and block it out of my mind. I sometimes act like it didn’t event exist so I don’t have to relive the trauma and painful memories of the past. Recently, I read a quote from Maya Angelou that said, “HISTORY, DESPITE ITS WRENCHING PAIN, CANNOT BE UNLIVED; BUT IF FACED WITH COURAGE, NEED NOT BE LIVED AGAIN.” – MAYA ANGELOU Moving forward and trying to deal with my own feelings I’m sharing a couple of book recommendations, resources and images that describes the massacres of innocent black people. These ancestors escaped the brutality of the south and simply tried to live and provide a good life for their families. Growing up, The Chicago Race Riots, East St. Louis Massacre, Tulsa Massacre and Black Wall Street were never discussed in my school’s social studies class. This is why the 1619 Curriculum Project is so important and provides students with an understanding of history, a history that must not be ignored. As you watch programming this weekend highlighting the Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial #Tulsa21, think about your local school’s curriculum. Does your child’s school discuss the race riots that occurred between 1917 through 1921? Does your child’s school discuss the positive economic impact of Black Wall Street of Greenwood District in Oklahoma? Does your child’s school discuss how reparations make amends for the wrongs of the past and help victims rebuild? Does your child’s school have a school library that has curated materials to help students understand understand this history? Black History is American History and these stories must be heard. I encourage you to learn more about this time in American History and take action by educating others, sharing these stories, provide support to the Greenwood Cultural Center ( ) so that they may continue to uphold the memory and future of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The History Channel Tulsa Burning: The 1921 Race Massacre Survivors of the Tulsa Race Massacre testify before Congress Watch Now: Greenwood Rising to present 'full truth' of 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, project director says. I'm looking forward to attending the 2021 AASL Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. This will be my first AASL conference and it will be so nice to talk to colleagues I've met over the last year in a face to face setting. I've even volunteered to serve on the Social Media Squad and submitted two proposals. Most importantly, maintaining my personal learning network (#PLN) helps me reinforce my skills as a #schoollibrarian and provide exemplary service to my students at Jefferson Academy in Washington D.C. I'm committing my time and finances to attend...come on and join us! There's still time to register: #WhyAASL21 "Unfurling People" by Elizabeth Acevedo Read by Daniel A. Woke: A Young Poet's Call to Justice by Mahogany L. Browne with Elizabeth Acevedo and Olivia Gatwood #PoetryMonth #AASLslm #JAReaders "I've Been There Before" by Olivia Gatwood Read by Abel W. Woke: A Young Poet's Call to Justice by Mahogany L. Browne with Elizabeth Acevedo and Olivia Gatwood #PoetryMonth #AASLslm #JAReaders Read by Zarah L. #AASLslm #SchoolLibraryMonth My #DayofSilence honoring my students. #GLSEN #DayofSilence Lessons and Activities - (compiled by K.C. Boyd) Proclamation from the White House Asian American and Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander Heritage Month, 2021 Accessible for students, families, and teachers - API ETHNICITIES AND REGIONAL GROUPINGS From the Census Data and API Identities - "They Say Blue" by Jillian Tamaki Activity - "The Serpent's Secret" by Sayantani DasGupta Activity - Japanese American National Museum Watch and learn with origami tutorials and video lessons. Middle and High School "They Called Us Enemy" by George Takei Activity - "Parachutes" by Kelly Yang Activity - “When You Trap a Tiger,” written by Tae Keller Teaching ideas/activities - The Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery FREE Special Screening of the Oscar award winning film, "Minari" June 18, 7:00 - 9:30 PM EDT A Seat at the Table | Soapbox by Many thanks to Kathy Ishizuka, Editor and Chief of School Library Journal for the opportunity to write a guest editorial. This article appears in the May issue of the magazine. Many thanks! "A Seat at the Table" by K.C. Boyd This title was the mantra of the late Congresswoman, Shirley Chisholm. She simply said, "If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair." When your voice isn't heard, welcomed, or valued, insist on making a space at the table where decisions are made and be an active part of the the process. School librarians must have a seat at the table in K-12 education to ensure our children receive the very best in school library practioner service and library programming. #KC_SaidIt #ShirleyChislholm I cannot tell you how happy I am to be the receipeint of the Distinguished Librarian Award. This honor is awarded by the Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table (EMIERT) during the upcoming American Library Association Annual Conference. #Honored #KC_SaidIt The campaign theme for International Women's Day is #ChooseToChallenge - A challenged world is an alert world - And from challenge comes change. I challenge you to read books written by women/self-published authors.
#IWD2021 #schoollibrarians #tlchat #KC_SaidIt ICYMI: The #JAReaders and I celebrated #ReadWokeAcrossAmerica Week by reading diverse picture books using @sorareadingapp. View all of the videos here: 👉🏾 #schoollibrarian #LibrarianLiteracyLeaders #DCPSLibrariansChampionLiteracy #DCPSNeedsLibrarians #tlchat March is Women's History Month
The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in commemorating and encouraging the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history. Here's a sample of books I wlll be highlighting this month for children, young adults and adults. This week, my students and I will be celebrating #ReadWokeAcrossAmerica. Created by school librarian Cicely Lewis, this week will highlight picture books that celebrate cultures, dreams and overcoming struggles. Read Woke Across America Week starts March 1, 2021, in honor of Zero Discrimination Day. This day encourages everyone to take action to end the inequalities surrounding income, sex, age, health status, occupation, disability, sexual orientation, drug use, gender identity, race, class, ethnicity and religion that continue to persist around the world. Visit my YouTube page to enjoy read alouds with my dynamic 7th graders as they read picture books this week. The first book we read together was, "Alma and How She Got Her Name," by Juana Martinez-Neal. This story celebrates the beauty of everyone's name and the story of how they were named by their families. The students completed a short written assignment from TeachingBooks and shared their responses on the collaboration board on Nearpod. Our class discussion focused mainly on the uniqueness of their names and how they were named. I learned so much about my students and I hope that they learned a lot about each other. Today's lesson highlight a overlooked civil rights activist in history, Claudette Colvin. I created the lesson using Nearpod, Merriam-Webster Online, Britannica School Online, ABC News and a book from our SORA collection.
Copyright © 2020-2021 K.C. Boyd/@Boss_Librarian All Rights Reserved Reproduction or remixing of material or images on this website/blog without written consent is prohibited. |
K.C. BoydMade in #Chicago - |